Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Lambert School is committed to achieving the highest possible standards of work health and safety for its staff, students, contractors and visitors. To achieve this, the school requires its staff, students, contractors and visitors to work in a co-operative and consultative manner.
Lambert School acknowledges its responsibilities under the Tasmanian Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 and associated regulations under the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 1998.
The School is committed to:
- Identifying and assessing any risks to health and safety in our work practices, equipment and work environment in order to either eliminating risk where reasonable practicable or putting in place adequate controls.
- Providing and maintaining all our equipment and tools in a safe condition.
- Providing and maintaining personal protective equipment.
- Providing training and instruction to ensure all our employees and OH&S officers are competent and are able to carry out their work in a safe manner.
- Consulting with employees on matters that may affect their health and safety.
- Continually monitoring and reviewing work practices, equipment and the work environment.
- Compliance with relevant legislation and striving for best practice by following established Codes of Practice and standards such as Australian Standards.
Employees are responsible for:
- Carrying out their work in a safe and healthy manner.
- Following safe work procedures at all times.
- Complying with safety rules.
- Considering the safety of fellow staff members, students, contractors and visitors at all times.
- Reporting all incidents, injuries, near misses and hazards immediately.
Lambert School is committed to continuous improvement of our health and safety management systems. This policy will be reviewed every 2 years unless there is a significant legislative or organisational change requiring an earlier review.
Wilma Lambert 1st June 2016